The Conneaut Lake Institute, Inc. was formed as a non-profit organization in 1999 to promote cultural and educational events in and around the Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania area. A volunteer Board of Directors governs the operations of the Institute according to its by-laws. The Board is made up of a diversity of members who have a mutual respect for the heritage of the Conneaut Lake area and wish to promote its value. Conneaut Lake Institute has been active in promoting Conneaut Lake Park by sponsoring the Carousel Ball; Art Fair on the Boardwalk; the Blue Streak Challenge; Ladies Day Out; spring and fall clean-up days and participating in the Pumpkin Fest and Holiday in the Park. We also have conducted Keep the Memories Coming and Brick by Brick Fund Drives that have raised over $100,000 for Conneaut Lake Park. We participate with Allegheny College and their student intern program through the Davies community Service Leader Project. While the Park is a centerpiece for the area and continues to require nurturing attention, Conneaut Lake Institute is expanding its influence into areas outside the Park as well. Many interested parties, from the conneaut Lake area and outside of the area, have inquired into assisting Conneaut Lake Institute expand its mission.